1 Молотов Владислав Ринатович, 28 июня 2024 г. 12:19:37 | |
решил проблема была в условиях вот правильный код: a,b = map(int,input().split()) sp_o = list() nezanato = 0 total = 0 flag = False for i in range(a): a = input() for j in range(3): if a[j] == 'X' and a[::-1][j] != 'X': a = a[::-1] a = a[:j] + a[j].replace('.', 'X') + a[j + 1:] a = a[::-1] total += 1 elif a[j] != 'X' and a[::-1][j] == 'X': a = a[:j] + a[j].replace('.', 'X') + a[j + 1:] total += 1 nezanato += a.count('.') sp_o.append(a) if b - total < 0 or (b - total) > nezanato or (b - total) % 2 != 0: print('Impossible') elif b - total == 0: print(*sp_o,sep='\n') elif b - total > 0 and nezanato >= (b - total) and (b - total) % 2 == 0: k = b - total total_1 = 0 for i in range(len(sp_o)): if flag: break for j in range(3): if sp_o[i][j] == '.': new_str = sp_o[i] new_str = new_str[::-1] new_str = new_str[0:j] + 'X' + new_str[j + 1:] new_str = new_str[::-1] new_str = new_str[0:j] + 'X' + new_str[j + 1:] total_1 += 2 sp_o[i] = new_str if total_1 == k: flag = True break print(*sp_o,sep='\n')
2 Молотов Владислав Ринатович, 28 июня 2024 г. 11:26:44 | |
a,b = map(int,input().split()) sp_o = list() nezanato = 0 total = 0 flag = False for i in range(a): a = input() for j in range(3): if a[j] == 'X' and a[::-1][j] != 'X': a = a[::-1] a = a[:j] + a[j].replace('.', 'X') + a[j + 1:] a = a[::-1] total += 1 elif a[j] != 'X' and a[::-1][j] == 'X': a = a[:j] + a[j].replace('.', 'X') + a[j + 1:] total += 1 nezanato += a.count('.') sp_o.append(a) if b - total < 0 or b > nezanato or (b - total) % 2 != 0: print('Impossible') elif b - total == 0: print(*sp_o,sep='\n') elif b - total > 0 and b <= nezanato and (b - total) % 2 == 0: k = b - total total_1 = 0 for i in range(len(sp_o)): if flag: break for j in range(3): if sp_o[i][j] == '.': new_str = sp_o[i] # Work with the whole string, not just a character new_str = new_str[::-1] new_str = new_str[0:j] + 'X' + new_str[j + 1:] new_str = new_str[::-1] new_str = new_str[0:j] + 'X' + new_str[j + 1:] total_1 += 2 sp_o[i] = new_str # Update the whole string in the list if total_1 == k: flag = True break print(*sp_o,sep='\n')
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