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Manacher's Algorithm

(Time limit: 2 sec. Memory limit: 32 MB Difficulty: 79%)

A string is called a palindrome if it is read equally from left to right and from right to left. For example, the strings "abba" and "ata" are palindromes.

A substring of some string is a nonempty sequence of consecutive characters in the original string.

Find out how many substrings of a given string are palindromes.


The only line of input contains a string consisting of characters with ASCII codes 33 to 127. The string length can be up to 106.


Output one integer.



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 C++ programming language
 Solution of olympiad tasks
 Regional competition
 Books by Fyodor Menshikov
 USE in informatics
 Training olympics
 Integer arithmetic
 Sorting algorithms
 Long arithmetic
 C++ Standard Template Library
 Dynamic programming
 Computational geometry
 Data structures
 Graph theory - 1
 Graph theory - 2
 Simple tasks
 Algorithms on strings
 Polynomial hash
 A. Antipalindrom
 B. Prefiks-funktsiya
 C. Z-funktsiya
 D. Pole chudes
 E. Poisk podstroki
 F. Sdvig teksta
 G. Tsiklicheskaya stroka
 H. Suffiksy
 I. Kolichestvo razlichnyh podstrok
 J. Dendrohronologiya
 K. Abracadabra
 L. Algoritm Manakera

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